Metabolic Balance® Program

A Health Plan As Individual and Unique As You

This unique program is originally from Europe; it’s backed by over 25 years of scientific research
and is managed by dedicated physicians and nutritional scientists.

Fed up with excess weight, pain, bloating, and fatigue?

Metabolic Balance® is our #1 individualized nutrition plan that is designed specifically for you using
your unique biochemistry, health history, and blood labs.

4 Phase Meal Plan

Phase 1: Cleansing

The first phase is known as the cleansing or preparation phase, and it lasts two days.

Your body will now be accustomed to your new meal plan. In this cleansing phase, you will only eat light food, such as vegetables, fruit, rice or potatoes. When the stomach and intestines have been emptied, the body switches to food that comes from the inside, namely from the fat reserves (keto metabolism).You will not experience any hunger cravings. As early as phase 1, you should also drink plenty of water to guarantee sufficient hydration.

Phase 2: Detox

The body requires time to detoxify (eliminate the poisons). The second phase should last at least 14 days.

This is called the “strict conversion phase” or “detox phase.” Your diet will contain lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. The alkaline minerals in the diet bind acids, and therefore the acids are eliminated from the body. The healthy foods in the meal plan support detoxification by itself. That being said, compliance with the 8 Metabolic Balance rules is very important during this “strict” second phase. When you practice self-discipline in this phase, it will be a rewarding experience for you. You can continue this phase past 14 days and stay on it until you reach your goal.

Phase 3: Relaxed Conversion

Things begin to change for you in Phase 3 – also called the “relaxed conversion phase.”

In this phase you may stop measuring your food quantity and even try foods that aren’t on your list.

Phase 4: Maintenance

You made it! In Phase 4, your metabolism has changed and you can begin to feel the fruits of your labour.

For instance, you notice your weight loss and newfound vitality gives you a new sense of confidence. In Phase 4, the goal is to maintain your success for the long-term. That is why it is also called the “maintenance phase.”

Who Can Benefit?

Metabolic Balance is not just for weight loss – It is an individualized nutrition plan that is incredibly
successful for those who suffer from allergies, fatigue, high blood pressure, high or imbalanced
cholesterol, insulin resistance, migraines, osteoporosis, PCOS, Type 2 Diabetes; Rheumatism, Skin
disorders and so much more.

The 12 week Metabolic Balance Package includes:
  • Comprehensive medical blood work sent to Germany for testing
  • Individualized Metabolic Balance® food plan created by medical professionals in Germany
  • 1:1 in-office or by phone accountability appointments
  • Access to members portal that contains recipes, handouts, tips and tricks
  • On-going support via email & text for duration of program
  • Access to  Metabolic Balance® App
  • Access to our private Facebook group

Metabolic balance® is 100% natural! NO hunger, NO cravings, NO injections/pills/shakes, NOkeeping points or counting calories.

Your local grocery store and farmers market can easily
provide all the wholesome nutrient-rich foods listed on your personalized nutrition plan.

Book a 15 Minute Discovery Call

Get in touch with Nadine today to book your complimentary discovery call!


Nadine Pelchat, RHN
Registered Holistic Nutritionist
Metabolic Balance Coach